Welcome to TURTLE TALK!!
A bit of history about our newsletter…For many years we had a wonderful and colorful newsletter publication which was printed and delivered to our homes. Our previous printed newsletter required many hours of effort and dedication by the late Ron Green. As time passed and technology advanced, it needed to go digital for cost considerations. Because of that, new people were needed to publish it online. Our Communications Committee team of volunteers took great steps to produce this first electronic newsletter.
Our current newsletter is a combination of articles, consisting of Board of Governors news, management/CAM news, treasurers report, and a vast array of news of the community. Each month the Communications Committee seeks photos and news articles of interest from residents, so keep those articles coming! If you are willing to help provide content for the newsletter, thereby making it even more interesting and colorful, please contact us at trcommunications@myturtlerock.com. All article submissions must be in Word format and pictures in JPEG. Thanks for getting involved!
Archived issues of our newsletter are listed below.