The Turtle Rock Men’s Club is open to all men residing in Turtle Rock. We meet for lunch in local restaurants on the third Wednesday of every month. During the winter months we choose restaurants with private rooms so that we can invite guest speakers to address the members on topics of local interest. In the summer months we forgo private rooms and speakers and select new and different venues chosen for their unique varieties of foodstuffs or special ambience. At each meeting, the President makes brief remarks on items of Club interest. A 50/50 raffle with wine, cash and gift certificates given as prizes.

CLICK HERE to complete the TRMC new membership form.

2024 Officers
Bob Arnet, President
Jeff Fasick, Vice President
John Adams, Treasurer
Ken Rosemann, Secretary
Doug Cordier, Luncheon Chairman
Richard Miller, Guest Speaker Chairman
Bill Kozlowski, Membership Chairman
Ron Contillo, Programs Chairman
Chris Foust, Bylaws Chairman

Weekly Golf Outing: If you are a golfer, consider joining your neighbors for a round at Serenoa Golf Club each Thursday morning. Send an email to: TRMCGolf@gmail.com for more information.